söndag 25 juli 2010

Lemons preserved in salt and lemon juice

Här kommer recptet på inlagda citroner. Jag skrev det till kompisar när jag bodde i England, så det är på engelska. Receptet är maroccanskt och kommer från den egyptiska matkonstnären Claudia Rodens underbara kokbok Arabesque.

8 lemons
4 tablespoons salt
1 glass jar

Method: Wash and scrub 4 of the lemons. Squeeze the juice out of the other four. Cut the lemons in quarters but not right through, so that the pieces are still attached at the stem end. Stuff each with salt and squeeze it closed. Put them in a sterilised (boiled) jar, pressing them down so that they are squashed together, and close the jar.
Leave 3-4 days. Now the lemons have softened and you can add additional lemon juice and salt so that they are entirely covered. Leave in a cool place for about a month. Before using, discard the flesh and rinse the lemon in water to get rid of too much salt.

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