söndag 25 juli 2010

Slada Bortokal Bil Saytoun (Orange salad)

Ännu ett matminne från London och min maroccanska matperiod.

For 6:

4 oranges
16 black olives
1 large, mild red onion chopped finely
Juice of ½ to 1 lemon
3 tablespoons olive oil
½ table spoon ground cumin
½ teaspoon paprika
Pinch of ground chilli pepper
Bunch of chopped leaf parsley

Peel the oranges, removing the pitch. Cut them into thick slices and then into quarters. Place on a serving tray together with the parsley and onion. Make a dressing of the lemon juice, spices and olive oil. Dress the salad and sprinkle with olives.

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